Issue 12, Spring 2023


from “Hackberry” by Paul Placial

Spring seems to bring out the poetic spirit in our contributors each year as Ovis Issue 12 follows past trends of a poetry filled issue.

Included is work from Martha Aguilar, Samantha Burkes, Kaitlyn Cativiela, Ryder Holmstedt, Joe Ketchum, Levi Kilburn, Douglas Kondziolka, E. A. Mc Kinney, Paul Placial and Erin Roper.

Aguilar, Kilburn, Kondziolka, Placial, Roper and Holmstedt reflect and reminisce in their poems.

Holmstedt and Mc Kinney bring longer pieces in the form of creative non-fiction and fiction.

Burkes, Ketchum and Roper share their contributions to MCC’s 3rd Annual Flash Film Festival.

Finally, Placial and Cativiela close out the issue with whimsical art selections.




Horse with No Name by E. A. Mc Kinney


Yorkie Peppery Patty by Samantha Burkes

Bet the Farm (A Game of Rats) by Joe Ketchum

Why pickleball? by Erin Roper


Controlling What I Can by Ryder Holmstedt


Truth Kills and In Memory and Façade by Martha Aguilar

Just Another Day in America by Levi Kilburn

Easy Easy Swordplay by Douglas Kondziolka

Hackberry and Fond Memories of Grandpa by Paul Placial

Long Beach Grand Prix and NARDCORE 4 LIFE by Paul Placial

Thirteen Stepped by Paul Placial

Rosewater by Erin Roper

Visual Art

Caricature – A Collection by Kaitlyn Cativiela