
Ovis accepts submissions on a rolling basis.

To avoid any work getting lost or overlooked, please do not send printed copies or physical artwork to Ovis or MCC library staff. If you must email your submission to Ovis staff because of limitations of this submission form, please include at least as much information about yourself and the artwork as is requested by this form.

It is important that we be able to contact you about your submission. Please enter a phone number and an email address that we can readily reach you at, even if it is not your MCC email or phone number on record.

We are able to accept work from current MCC students, faculty, and staff. For our anniversary issues, we also accept work from alumni.

We are very grateful to be able to spend time with your work; thank you for taking the time to submit to Ovis. See below for some submission guidelines; if you have any questions about the work we accept or how to get it to us, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Submission guidelines

Accepted types of work

Ovis endeavors to highlight every type of creative expression that the MCC community produces: fiction, poetry, and non-fiction writing; photography, painting, sculpture, and other visual art forms; sound, music, video, and other time-based media; and virtually any other work of art.


Works in text may be attached as plain text, Microsoft Word, or PDF files. Ovis reserves the right to make editorial decisions regarding artwork in text, especially regarding the exact wording, format, and layout of your text. In general we will work with you to make these changes. If your submission includes photographs or illustrations, please attach these as separate files along with the text document.

Images should be attached as JPG files. Images should be the highest resolution available, or at least 1920 pixels on the longest dimension. Photographs should cropped, color-corrected, and otherwise presented exactly as you would like them to be published; we will not edit your photos. You should not watermark photos for submission to Ovis.

If you are submitting three-dimensional artwork or artwork on canvas, paper, or other physical media, please attach up to four best-quality representative photos of the artwork in bright, flat lighting if possible. Flat artwork that cannot be flatbed scanned should be photographed from above such that the edges can be seen and the corners are square; three-dimensional artwork should be photographed at eye-level from a representative angle. We will rephotograph your work in the studio if it is selected, so please prepare to bring it to the Kingman campus or to make arrangements with us to pick it up. If your artwork is very large, site-specific, or otherwise unable to be moved, just let us know! We will work with you.

Sound and video art should be attached as MP3 or MP4 files. MP3 files should be at least 192kbps. Videos should ideally be submitted in HD resolution (1920×1280). Music and video art that is already uploaded and publicly available on streaming or hosting services like YouTube, Vimeo, and Bandcamp can be submitted as links in a text document; if your submission is selected, we may ask you to send us the original files for our archives.

Please contact us before attempting to submit any files larger than 10MB. If your work is in a different format, or you aren’t sure what format it is in, feel free to contact us and we will help you figure it out.

Multiple submissions

Submissions of multiple related works—such as a group of poems or a set of photographs—are allowed and encouraged, but we reserve the right to make editorial decisions regarding the final selection, grouping, and arrangement of multiple submissions.

Multiple submissions of unrelated works from one individual are also allowed and encouraged; however, acceptance of one submission does not guarantee acceptance of all submissions.

Simultaneous submissions

We will gladly accept work you have simultaneously submitted to other publications. Please inform us by email if you would like us to withdraw a submission that has been accepted for publication elsewhere.

Response times

We will make our best effort to acknowledge receipt of your submission within 2 business days. Ovis accepts submissions on a rolling basis, and you will be notified if your work was accepted or not as soon as our editors confirm the final selection of accepted works for an issue. If you have not heard back about your submission, please feel free to get in touch with us at any time.

Protecting your work

We understand the need for artists to protect their intellectual property, and we make every effort to ensure that your rights as a creator are respected. When you submit work to Ovis, you still own your copyright. When we publish your work, you also still own your copyright. The license you grant MCC to publish your work is detailed in the MCC Academic Work Product Agreement.

Visual art published in Ovis is uploaded and displayed at resolutions high enough to ensure good reproduction on computer displays, but low enough to ensure that work cannot be printed at high quality.


All work accepted for publication in Ovis is subject to the terms of the MCC Academic Work Product Agreement; as such, we do not pay contributors for their work at this time.