Issue 6, Spring 2020
Despite the challenges that COVID-19 has brought to students, staff, the college and community, Ovis Issue 6 is here. It includes work from Amber Cole, Larry Edson, Bailey Gonzalez, Esther Hammon, Rochelle Mabry, Pamela Peters, Mandie Price, Erin Roper, Bryce Sandberg, Sterling Silverman, and Kyran Soriano.
Poetry from Gonzalez, Hammon, and Peters focuses on the natural world while Sandberg’s villanelle seems especially poignant at a time when so many are facing separation of some kind.
Price and Soriano share moments of their lives with the reader in two creative non-fiction pieces.
Cole and Silverman return with visual art and photos documenting local life.
Finishing out the issue are fiction pieces from Edson, Gustafson and Mabry as well as a play by Roper.
No Special Cookies by Erin Roper
Abduction by Larry Edson
The Troll of Stainton House by Kayla Gustafson
Fishing with Grandpa by Rochelle Mabry
Healing Through Music by Mandie Price
Someone Else, Something Else by Kyran Soriano
Car Club by Amber Cole
Sunrise in Jerome by Sterling Silverman
Breeze by Bailey Gonzalez
The Monarch by Esther Hammon
Gray Longings by Pamela Peters
Far Away: A Villanelle by Bryce Sandberg
Visual Art
Organic Mixed Media by Amber Cole