Issue 10, Spring 2022
Ovis Issue 10 concludes another year with more introspection and memory.
Included in Issue 10 is work from Andrew Anderson, Ashley Bucknum, Rita Draper-Gione, Victoria Gatlin, Joe Ketchum, Jacquelyn Mycek, Mandie Price, Adam Romano, and Dr. Jennifer Woolston.
Draper-Gione and Mycek discuss loss in their poetry while Bucknum, Gatlin, and Price dig into their pasts with non-fiction pieces.
This issue we highlight two faculty contributions from this semester’s Flash Film Festival with short pieces by Ketchum and Woolston.
Finally, newcomer photographer Anderson joins long-time visual art contributor Romano.
Acceptance by Joe Ketchum
Don’t Film Me! I Don’t Consent! by Dr. Jennifer Woolston
The Bouquet by Ashley Bucknum
Odysseus and the Art of Perseverance by Victoria Gatlin
Tribute by Mandie Price
Into the Deep by Andrew Anderson
A Love I Cannot Replace by Rina Draper-Gione
The Broken Doorknob and Fadeaway by Jacquelyn Mycek
Ever-Changing Seasons by Jacquelyn Mycek
Visual Art
Skeletal Human Form by Adam Romano