Issue 10, Spring 2022


from “Into the Deep” By Andrew Anderson

Ovis Issue 10 concludes another year with more introspection and memory.

Included in Issue 10 is work from Andrew Anderson, Ashley Bucknum, Rita Draper-Gione, Victoria Gatlin, Joe Ketchum, Jacquelyn Mycek, Mandie Price, Adam Romano, and Dr. Jennifer Woolston.

Draper-Gione and Mycek discuss loss in their poetry while Bucknum, Gatlin, and Price dig into their pasts with non-fiction pieces.

This issue we highlight two faculty contributions from this semester’s Flash Film Festival with short pieces by Ketchum and Woolston.

Finally, newcomer photographer Anderson joins long-time visual art contributor Romano.




Acceptance by Joe Ketchum

Don’t Film Me! I Don’t Consent! by Dr. Jennifer Woolston


The Bouquet by Ashley Bucknum

Odysseus and the Art of Perseverance by Victoria Gatlin

Tribute by Mandie Price


Into the Deep by Andrew Anderson


A Love I Cannot Replace by Rina Draper-Gione

The Broken Doorknob and Fadeaway by Jacquelyn Mycek

Ever-Changing Seasons by Jacquelyn Mycek

Visual Art

Skeletal Human Form by Adam Romano