Issue 13, Fall 2023


from “Old Town Run About” by Taylor Rea-nee

Issue 13 may be small, but the contributors have ensured it is mighty. They are not shying away from strong description and emotion in this semester’s issue.

Included is work from James Exley, Alicia Gomez, Debbie McKee, Rachel Musser, Paul Placial, Izzy Pledger, Taylor Rea-nee, Amber Tacey, and Padon West.

Musser starts the issue with a play about a foul situation turned humorous.

Frequent contributors Exley and McKee show their chops in short pieces, and are joined by first-time contributor West.

Gomez, Pledger, and Tacey cut to the core with their poetry.

Placial and Rea-nee finish out the issue with images of Kingman.




Where should we put it? by Rachel Musser


An Empty House by James Exley

A Huntsman by Debbie McKee

Fluorescent Light and Scandinavian Stylings with a Post-Millennial Motif by Padon West


Next Exit by Paul Placial

Old Town Run About by Taylor Rea-nee


Farewell and Bloom by Alicia Gomez

My Heart by Izzy Pledger

Tower and “Goodbye” by Amber Tacey