My Dear Medusa
My dear Medusa,
A victim of your own demise.
Your beauty and grace brought you to the end of your own life.
The villain in every story…
Turning men into stone.
Every story that man has ever told.
Don’t they see, that they created what you would be.
They forged it by sword in the hot sea.
Because men take everything, especially those they cannot reach.
My dear Medusa,
You see, your story doesn’t end with me.
You’re a survivor, from your roots all the way to the branches on your tree.
A survivor of abuse, misguided power, and grief.
You helped us see light where it wasn’t supposed to be and
One day we will have them on their knees
Father Time
I blame you for every worse that I assume.
I lie awake with the thought of being someone’s wife
Thinking about the chances of how easy he can fuck my life
All in one night, if he chose to do what you do.
I’ve gone after guys that remind me of you, causing me to feel alone and abused.
Thinking that I belonged to someone like you.
I can’t help but to villainize the nice guys.
Who treat me right, cause somehow in my mind, they’re still going to turn out just like you.
I look into the mirror and catch sight of the little girl that you vowed to protect but you never did because you chose one-night stands, booze and all the good things to make you escape the pain of not being man enough to do the job.
You got mad at mom when she tried to move on and you threaten to take me away and to this day, I can’t even get a reply back but I’m glad you didn’t because now I know better than father time.